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Art Gallery Exhibits & Display


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Exhibits and Displays

In keeping with its mission to educate, entertain, inform, and inspire the community and its role as a community cultural center, the Twinsburg Public Library makes library exhibit and display spaces available without charge to community groups, organizations, and individuals. The Library presents exhibits and displays of paintings, photography, sculpture, and other art works, as well as documents, artifacts, and other ephemera, with the purpose of providing educational and cultural enrichment and lifelong learning, promoting library resources, and reaching out to the community.


  • Exhibits and displays must be of an educational, cultural, or civic nature. Exhibit/display space will be granted to qualified individuals or groups, with preference given to Twinsburg School District residents and organizations, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations, provided the content of the exhibit/display is within the broad standards of community acceptability and is appropriate for all age groups, including children.
  • Exhibits and displays that are intended for religious proselytizing and partisan political recruitment are prohibited, but educational exhibits or displays on these subjects are allowed. 
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse or remove any material judged unsuitable or to rescind an exhibit/display for violation of this policy. 
  • In presenting exhibits and displays, the Library does not imply endorsement of the beliefs or viewpoints of their subject matter. The Library endeavors to present a broad spectrum of opinions and a variety of viewpoints.

Selection and Exhibiting

The Library Director, in consultation with the Programming Committee, shall have the authority to consider requests and to grant the setup of exhibits and displays. In the event of a negative decision regarding a proposed exhibit/display, the Board may hear an appeal for reconsideration. In addition to verifying that the exhibit meets the Library's mission, the following will also be considered when selecting and approving displays.

  • Suitability of subject matter and physical presentation
  • Local or regional interest
  • Space requirements
  • Timelines
  • Quality of the presentation

Applications for use of the exhibit/display will be considered on a first come first served basis and limited to six weeks per calendar year per individual, group, or organization. The exhibit/display period is generally between two and four weeks. The Library reserves the right to determine the schedule of the exhibits/displays, including the length and location of exhibits/displays.

Use of the exhibit and display spaces for Library purposes takes precedence over other uses.  Potential exhibitors assume the risk that the Library may need to preempt an exhibit/display for its own purposes. The Library may solicit the works of a particular artist to coincide with programming themes throughout the year.

Exhibitors are responsible for installing and removing exhibits/displays on the dates agreed upon by the Library and the exhibitor, and for all measures necessary for installation and removal of exhibits/displays, including but not limited to shipping, packaging, storage, signage, labels, framing, and any equipment/supplies needed for same. All exhibits/displays must be set up and removed with as little interference as possible to the daily operations of the Library. If the Library must remove an exhibit/display because it is not removed as scheduled by the exhibitor, the Library is not responsible for any damages. The Library will not provide storage for the property of organizations or individuals displaying in the Library. 

Exhibitors agree to be responsible for and to pay for any and all damages to Library property, including exhibit/display spaces, walls, floors, grounds, furniture, and fixtures resulting from the installation or removal of an exhibit/display.

Exhibit photos, artworks, etc., must be framed, mounted, or packaged and displayed in a safe and attractive manner. Any electrical connections are to be hidden from public view as far as possible and may not be placed so as to cause or create a safety hazard.  

Each exhibit/display must contain an informative explanation to assist the general public in discerning the subject or purpose of the exhibit/display. This information may be provided by explanatory labels on individual items, in poster or sign form, or be contained within the exhibit/display itself. Exhibitors are encouraged to include a biography of themselves and are welcome to provide a contact information (i.e., phone number, email address, etc.) as part of the exhibit/display for members of the general public who may want more information. 


The Library may include a list of exhibits and displays in its weekly submission to the Twinsburg Bulletin. Additional publicity is the responsibility of the exhibitor except when the exhibit/display is co-sponsored by the Library. Press releases or other promotion of the exhibit/display shall not imply endorsement of the viewpoints put forth in the exhibit/display.

Prices may be posted on items in an exhibit/display, either on individual labels or within a single price list. An admission fee may not be charged. Transactions for the purchase of exhibit/display items shall be directly between the purchaser and the exhibitor. No sales may be made on the premises. No exhibit/display material which is sold during its display in the Library may be removed before the end of the exhibition period.


The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the Library for exhibit/display are so placed at the owner's risk.

The Library does not allow exhibitors to solicit visitors with surveys or a request to vote on the artwork being displayed.

The Library Director shall have the final decision on the content and arrangement of all exhibits/displays and reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibit/display or to change the manner of display, subject to appeal to the Board of Trustees.

Complaints about this Exhibit & Display Policy or about the content of a particular exhibit/display should be addressed to the Library Director. 

Exhibit/Display Space Available

  • Twinsburg Public Library entry hallway
  • Large display cases in front entrance
  • Small display cases in Adult Public Services area

Application Procedure

Applications may be made up to one year in advance and no less than one month in advance.  Applicants should familiarize themselves with the Library's exhibit/display spaces. 

Applicants are asked to provide at least four examples of material to be exhibited. Color photographs, color copies, or actual works may be submitted for review with an itemized list of the artworks to be exhibited, an artist’s biography, and an artist’s statement. Applicants are responsible for arranging the return of their review materials. 

Applicants must fill out and sign an application form, which includes a waiver of liability, and be familiar with the Library's Exhibit & Display Policy. 

Please see the Art Gallery Information Page for the application and more information.